Ógra Women’s Committee Statement on Females' Clothing at School

Since when was it acceptable to not wear exercise clothes to a PE class?

Leggings are a standard pair of exercise clothing. They are worn by professionals in sport.

Female students from first year up to sixth year were called out class by class to be told that they should not wear tight clothing because it was too revealing of their bodies and made certain teachers “uncomfortable.”

Younger students were “given a PG” description of the regulations, while the older girls were warned against showing off their female anatomy. The talks, given by each year head, left students angry and many were in tears.

This is not the first time this has happened. While in another school, girls were not allowed take off their jumpers as the outline of their bras may make the male teachers feel uncomfortable. Leaving one girl to faint in a sweltering classroom during a summer exam because they always had to wear their jumpers in class.

Students should never feel sexualised around their teachers who are meant to make them feel safe and comfortable at all times.

It’s so important not to be ashamed of your body and this should never ever have happened.

Why should female students feel oppressed over a body part that everyone has?

Ógra Shinn Féin is calling on everyone to sign this petition here:


Le Mary McGirl
Coiste na mBan, Ógra Shinn Féin

Ógra Shinn Féin