Young people have a job of work to do - GFA 20 years

Today, marks the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. For young people, this accord was a consensus for change and progress. Society today is very different thanks to the strong and courageous leadership steps taken by all, but particularly by republican leaders such as Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness  

The Good Friday Agreement has created a peace process deeply valued by all, but we cannot ignore the fact that key elements of the Agreement have yet to be implemented.

The Agreement remains the basis for solving the current political issues in the North and building a new and agreed Ireland for all, it’s crucial that all political parties recommit to achieving its full potential.

The principles of consent, equality, rights and genuine power-sharing remain key to progress on this island.

The Good Friday Agreement is threatened by the potential impacts of Brexit. A Tory Brexit could return us to the past, with a regression of rights, erosion of peace and the decimation of opportunities for our young people.

We, as young people, have an important job of work to do.

Much has been achieved, but there is unfinished business. We must lead the fight for the implementation of Acht Na Gaeilge, marriage equality and access to legacy inquests.

Our voice must shout the loudest against Brexit and against any border on this island. The Good Friday Agreement offers the route-map to the peaceful reunification of our country.

We must seize the day, the campaign for a unity referendum is ongoing. Be part of it.

Ógra Shinn Féin