Ógra calls for an all-Ireland No Detriment Policy

Ógra Shinn Féin calls for a ‘No Detriment’ Policy for students at Irish Third Level Institutions across all of Ireland.

COVID 19 has impacted upon every area of life, and while universities have ensured the continuity of learning, the reality is that the situation that students find themselves has no comparison with any other academic year.

A No Detriment policy is vital to ensuring basic equality of opportunity for all students to succeed in these trying times. There are students who face extremely tough living standards that will invariably impact their ability to perform to the standards that they have maintained throughout their studies to this point. Some of these students are subject to abuse or debilitating mental health. Others are required to care for close loved ones who may be sick or at risk. This may extend to those whose siblings are in their care where parents are required to leave the home for work in essential services. Other students are essential workers themselves.

Furthermore, there are those with learning disabilities who are now unable to access the required level of supports that would be available in the college setting. There are those who simply lack resources that they would otherwise have at third level institutes: such as quality broadband.

Moreover, some international students are returning home to vastly challenging circumstances. Consequently, many students will struggle with anxiety and stress that is bound to occur for those struggling, particularly where their degree and futures are closely correlated to their results.

Ógra Shinn Féin is aware that many universities across the world are examining models of ‘No Detriment’, and therefore Ireland should follow. The No Detriment model is that, as long as you qualify to pass the year, completing the summer assessments can only add to the mark, as the policy functions to guarantee that it will not be possible to fall below the student’s current overall mark.

There is also a call for clarity on the Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, GSCES, A Levels as no decision has yet been made. The extension of the HEAR Scheme to include students facing these issues would be welcomed.

Ógra Shinn Féin has joined with other youth wings from across Ireland to call on the relevant ministers in each jurisdiction to implement a No Detriment policy immediately.

Ógra Shinn Féin