Sinn Féin: The One True Working Class Option for Ireland

Fundamental Principles of Democratic Socialism

An Adequate Standard of Living

Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every person is entitled to an adequate standard of living. This includes the right to food, clothing, housing, medical care, and necessary social security. One of the fundamental duties of a democratic socialist party is the responsibility to defend and maintain these rights. This has to be done through the reduction of economic inequality, and the introduction of universal housing, universal public healthcare, and comprehensive social security measures. Not only have the traitors of Labour failed to advance these goals, they have actively regressed upon them. Sinn Féin on the other hand have constantly pushed for the advancement of a universal basic standard of living. For example, they recently passed a bill establishing the Living Wage of €12.30. They have also introduced the ‘Tips Bill’ to protect hospitality workers’ tips, as well as working with trade unions to establish a four day working week and abolish zero hour contracts. That is only to mention a couple examples regarding worker’s rights.

The Rights Of The Asylum Seeker

Every person has the right to seek asylum. As well as this, every person has the right to a fulfilling job. It is another core responsibility to ensure the equal treatment of asylum seekers, and the upholding of their human rights. Since the introduction of the Direct Provision system in 1999, consecutive Irish governments have failed to take action against this blatant violation of the Declaration of Human Rights. A damning reality that the 2007 Green and 2011 Labour governments are very much complicit in. It is one of the utmost priorities that the inhumane Direct Provision system is abolished, and this something Sinn Féin have advocated strongly for. This needs to be done through the building of social housing, universal healthcare, and the protection of the rights of everybody. 

Economic Equality

One of the main problems which has plagued Irish society, as well as the rest of the world, for decades and centuries on end is the unequal distribution of our resources. At the very heart of what it means to be a socialist is the commitment to tackling these inequalities and contradictions wherever they may exist in our society. However, when given the opportunity to make an impact in Government, the traitors of the Green and Labour movements chose to reinforce these inequalities and exacerbate issues. In contrast, Sinn Féin have continuously fought for economic equality, such as their advocating for a fair tax system and opposition to regressive taxation. Fine Gael, Fianna Fail, Labour, the Greens, they will also act in the interests of their class, the Capitalist class. Sinn Féin is made of and works for the working class, the greatest mass of the population, those of us working day in day out while our labour is used to make money for the Capitalist class and Landlord class. They fill their pockets and bank accounts hoarding the wealth to benefit themselves rather than the working masses slaving each day in a futile attempt to save and survive.

Equality and Anti-Discrimination

In recent years in Ireland there has been an alarming rise in far-right and discriminatory rhetoric. The likes of Noel Grealish and Peter Casey have developed and normalised this type of behaviour, and broadcasters such as RTÉ are complicit in spreading this blight on our society, as they continue to give such a disproportionate platform to these merchants of hateful rhetoric. It is paramount that discrimination of anybody on any grounds is not tolerated within our society. While Labour and the Greens have been all too quiet on this subject, Sinn Féin’s Martin Kenny was the first and only TD to call this out in the Dáil and to call out fear-mongers for inciting hatred.

The Right To Education

Education is an inalienable right which should be made available to all members of society, and not reserved only for those who can afford to pay through their teeth for it. This applies from primary all the way through to third level education. Too often have we seen the vicious cycle of poverty, whereby those who cannot afford to avail of third level education are shunned from the higher income occupations. As a result of this, they can’t afford to put their children through third level education and the cycle continues. Alongside this, while primary and secondary level education are supposedly free to access, that is not the case in reality at all. Despite this however, instead of moving towards free universal education, the treacherous Green and Labour governments opted to cut funding and increased costs. In stark contrast, Sinn Féin have pushed for the complete abolition of University Fees and easing the financial burden on parents by proposing a ‘Back to School Bonus’ of €140 to be paid to all families. “Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí”, the strongest foundation a society can have is to give the tool of education to the youth so they are able to build a prosperous society for themselves.

The Protection Of Human Rights

A key, but often ignored, article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that they cannot be used to infringe upon the rights of anyone else. This is crucial in so far as, although personal freedoms and free speech are paramount within a democratic society, they cannot be used to deprive others of this right. This remains true whether it be regarding discrimination, denial of access to an adequate standard of living, or any other human rights violation. Sinn Féin have advocated for the implementation of hate crime legislation.


The planet is in crisis. This is an undeniable, scientific fact. It is one of the utmost priorities of both socialist parties and the planet to do anything and everything possible to prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change. However, in spite of this, the treasonous factions of the Labour Party and the Green Party opted for token gestures and regressive taxations. These reforms targeted individuals who contribute little to the problem in the grand scale of things, as opposed to the massive corporations who contribute a large amount to the crisis. Sinn Féin, on the other hand, intend to hold these corporations accountable for their actions, and opposes regressive taxation. Sinn Féin is a strong advocate for free public transport to lessen the effects of private car usage. Rural Ireland is particularly damaged by this where they have neither suitable public transport nor adequate facilities for electric vehicles. The workers can not be the ones that have to pick up the cheque when the corporations dine on plenty and leave the largest mess.


Peace is both a fundamental right of all people, and a necessity for the common good of society. In Ireland it is crucial that the Labour Party maintain Ireland’s tradition of neutrality, while also opposing wars and instances of oppression wherever they may occur. Peace however, being not just the absence of war, but also continued disarmament, and the assurance that nobody in our society has to live their life in fear for any reason. Ireland likes to hail its neutrality while allowing US planes to refuel on their way to plunder and pillage the middle east. The Government’s pathetic excuse for neutrality allows them to be the lapdog of Imperialism and pick the scraps from the carcass of resources.

International Relations

It is crucial that we view ourselves not as an Irish people isolated from the rest of the world, but as both a citizen of Ireland and the global community. This means maintaining open borders, interacting socially and economically with the global community, fighting against imperialism and colonialism, opposing oppression of any group within the global community, pushing for global equality, and accepting people of all backgrounds within our nation.

Democracy and Freedom

As a democratic country, it is vital that the core ideals of democracy are upheld. This means assuring the democratic right of everybody, making sure that the process of democracy is not subverted in any way, and opposing the subversion of democracy wherever it may occur. As well as this, it is important to guarantee the personal freedom of every individual to culture, language etc. without infringing on the rights or freedoms of any other.

The Principle of Self-Determination

The principle of self-determination, both internal and external, is a core right which concerns Labour from both a global and Irish point of view. Internally for the election of political representatives, and externally for the self-determination of the Labour. From an Irish point of view, Labour supports the self-determination of the Irish Republic, north and south, through the border poll process enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement. It is crucial that any potential re-united state be brought about through the process of self-determination. However Sinn Féin fully advocates the re-unification of Ireland. Globally, Sinn Féin supports the right of states such as Palestine, Catalonia, the Basque Country and Kurdistan for self-determination.


Every person has the right to equal treatment before the law. This cannot be subverted through corruption, bribery, discrimination, cronyism, or anything else. Too often Capitalist’s have waltzed through courts, often robbing families of their homes or income to support themselves, being punished with brief suspended sentences if any at all. But simply because some act is legal or illegal does not make a law just, high flying solicitors and executives write the laws and those the very loopholes they exploit. A Sinn Féin Government would work tirelessly to create a just system, where the law works for the citizens not against.

Modern Failings of the Labour Party

Over the course of the past thirty years, the Labour Party has entered into government twice (1992 and 2011), both times the hierarchy of the party has sold their electorate down the river. After a five year term in government in the first instance, Labour’s share of the seats in Dáil Éireann fell almost fifty percent in 1997. At this stage, then leader Dick Spring stepped aside leading in turn to a leadership election. The two candidates who were put forward for the role were Ruarí Quinn and Brendan Howlin. For a finish, Quinn took on the mantle of Labour Party leader with Howlin as his deputy leader. Almost twenty years on, in 2016, after another treacherous term in government, the Labour Party’s electoral standing collapsed once again. Following the party’s worst ever showing at the polls, Joan Burton’s short lived leadership came to an end. For a third time Brendan Howlin put his name forward, this time running unopposed. Another traitorous failure, again turning to the same old faces. There is a reason that the youth of today do not resonate with the Labour Party. Their policies and actions are but a grotesque distorted and sickly shadow of what was the intentions of James Connolly and Jim Larkin. 

Promoting Inequality

In 2002 a report was published by the Institute of Public Health regarding inequalities in mortality. Such were the inequalities cultivated by the Labour Party in government, that these inequalities resulted in 5,400 premature deaths per annum. Further down the line, when the party returned to government in 2011, inequality continued to be enforced by Labour. According to the ESRI, in Labour’s first budget in government, tax increases and welfare cuts were felt disproportionately by those on low incomes as opposed to those on the highest incomes (2-2.5% reductions as opposed to 0.75% reductions). This budget targeted those on lower incomes even more so than the previous Fianna Fáil budget, which itself was ranked better than only three EU countries in terms of at-risk-of-poverty rating (Latvia, Lithuania, Romania).

Blatant Lies and Hypocrisy

During the election campaign which preceded Labour’s election to government in 2011, the party made a lot of noise and a lot of big promises. This gave way to infamous political slogans such “Fine Gael: Every Little Hurts”, and “Frankfurt’s Way or Labour’s Way”. The “Every Little Hurts” campaign launched a scathing attack on Fine Gael economic policy prior to the 2011 election. However, in Labour’s second year in government, Joan Burton (Minister for Social Protection) crossed one of the party’s own supposed red lines. Child benefit was cut by €10 per month for one and two child families, €18 per month for three child families, and €20 per month for families with four or more children. The year previous, in Labour’s first budget, there was a 2% hike in VAT bringing it to 23%. The rate of DIRT was increased year on year reaching 41% in 2014. Not to mention the €1 increase in wine tax followed a year later by further 50 cents increase and the increase in the regressive carbon tax, and to complete the clean sweep the of hypocrisy, the water charges which were implemented under Labour’s watch. So much for the supposed watchdog of Fine Gael! Such is the incompetence of the outdated hierarchy within Labour, that Éamonn Gilmore even admitted that he hadn’t paid attention to the details of the campaign he signed off on.

Another slogan churned out by Gilmore on the campaign trail was the “Frankfurt’s Way or Labour’s Way” slogan, as Labour promised to renegotiate Fianna Fáil’s EU-IMF deal if they got into government. Spoiler alert: yes, they got into government, but no, they didn’t renegotiate it at all. Nothing has reaffirmed the arrogance and disconnection from reality of the political elite more so than Pat Rabbitte’s apparent implication that lying to the electorate is just part and parcel of a politician’s job (even taking into account his feeble attempt to weasel his way out of it retroactively). Not that the reality perception lacking group commanding the cushy upper roles in Labour haven’t had a tendency for dodging questions. Particularly true for former Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, who tried in one specific incident to twist a question about Labour’s electorate lies onto Sinn Féin before passing the burden onto a colleague. Not to mention that Burton, who wholly epitomises the fundamental issue plaguing Labour, sold out everything that the party stands for in her role as Minister for Social Protection. In her role, Burton reduced or cut entirely the following: respite care grant, the telephone allowance, and the funeral allowance. Along with this, third level education assistance funding was cut while costs skyrocketed, welfare payments were cut, child benefit was cut, and the burden of the PRSI tax fell on lower earners while the highest earners contributed far less proportionately.

The Austerity Budgets


The first budget introduced under the Labour government saw a vast array of cuts in funding to those who needed it most, and increases on taxation on those who can least afford it. This includes cuts to child benefit, disability allowance, jobseekers benefit, single parent allowance, winter fuel allowance, school funding, and the back to school allowance. The back to school allowance was also cut entirely for two and three year olds. As well as this, the Modern Languages in Primary Schools initiative, grants on multiple births, and the postgraduate maintenance grant were all completely abolished. In terms of increases, the threshold for access to the Drug Payments Scheme, the Student Registration Charge, the minimum contribution towards the Rent Supplement scheme, the cost of school transport, carbon tax, VAT, cigarette duty, car tax, CAT, and CGT were all among the increases. However, there were no changes to income tax, tax bands, or tax credits.


Labour’s second budget in government saw tax increases and spending cuts amount to €3.5 billion. For a second year running there were cuts to child benefit and job seekers allowance, while the weekly PRSI allowance was abolished. PRSI was also made payable by all income brackets, and doubled for the self-employed. The property tax and taxation on maternity benefits were introduced, while there were further increases on motor taxes, excise duties, CAT, CGT, and DIRT. As well as this, prescription charges were trebled, the threshold for the Drug Payments Scheme was increased again, third level education charges were trebled, while VEC funding was cut, and a hundred Garda stations were closed. However, there were no changes to income tax or state pensions.


The third budget introduced during Labour’s time in government saw a further €2.5 billion in cuts and taxes implemented upon the Irish public. These included further increases in excise duties and DIRT, while there were reductions to maternity benefits, and cuts to third level institutions. Furthermore, the bereavement grant and telephone allowance were both abolished. In addition to this, there was a wide scale cutback on the number of medical cards, while waiting days for illness benefit was increased, and there was a cap imposed on the medical insurance tax relief. Corporation tax and income tax remained unchanged, while the previous years’ policies of austerity remained in effect by and large.

Age Profile

Labour’s Current TDs

  • Brendan Howlin, 63 years old. Leader, Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Northern Ireland.

  • Joan Burton, 70 years old. Spokesperson on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and the Arts.

  • Alan Kelly, 44 years old. Spokesperson on Health.

  • Jan O’Sullivan, 68 years old. Spokesperson on Housing & Local Government, Enterprise & Innovation.

  • Willie Penrose, 63 years old. Spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Rural & Community Affairs.

  • Brendan Ryan, 66 years old. Party whip, Spokesperson on Defense.

  • Seán Sherlock, 46 years old. Spokesperson on Justice, Children, and Youth Affairs.

The Labour Party is currently in crisis, and has remained in this state for years. Too many of the same old faces have been around for far too long, and have betrayed the country time and time again. With a mean age of 60 and a median age of 63 among current TDs, it has become abundantly clear that the party risks fading into complete irrelevance if change isn’t brought about soon. This compares quite poorly with other parties, such as Sinn Féin who have an average age of approximately 49 among their twenty-one current TD, as well as the largest all-island youth structure.

The North Of Ireland

As mentioned previously, the Labour Party was founded by Jim Larkin, James Connolly, and William O’Brien. Given the nationalistic nature of the party’s founders, the involvement of the Connolly and the Irish Citizens’ Army in the 1916 Rising, and the core principles of the party, why does the party only represent just over eighty percent of our island? The Labour Party have once again sold out what they were supposed to stand for by not representing the entirety of the island. In contrast, Sinn Féin have stayed true to their core ideals by representing the entire nation of Ireland.

Modern Failings of the Green Party

Regressive Taxation, No Real Change

The Green Party was in government from 2007 to 2011, yet in that time the advances made as regards tackling climate change were minimal. Their major achievement in climate policy was the introduction of an ineffective, regressive taxation. Not only does the Green Party wish to maintain this regressive tax, they want to drastically increase it. Aside from minor changes, where has the actual progression in Ireland’s climate policy been? Despite trying to manipulate the climate crisis for political gain, the Green Party have done next to nothing to bring about genuine change. Remember when the next election comes around that Ireland ranks the worst in the EU for climate action and the Green Party did very little to combat this last time, and they will do again if you give them your vote.

Selling Out The Working Class

At the same time, the working class was hit with a whole host of cuts and added taxations. Instead of representing the working class, the majority of the country, they sided with Fianna Fáil in bailing out the banks, doubling tuition fees, and pushing the burden of the recession onto the working class. Those responsible for the crash weren’t held accountable, and those with excessive wealth contributed disproportionately less to the recovery. 

Treachery And Lies

Similar to the Labour Party, the Greens are no stranger to pre-election lies and selling out their core ideals. This was the case prior to their election to government in 2007, as they made clear their intention to oppose the Corrib Gas field- putting their support behind an independent commission. They also claimed that the great oil and gas giveaway needed to be reviewed. When the Greens then got into government, Éamonn Ryan was appointed Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. In this role, Ryan chose to oversee the implementation of the pipeline, as well as the wasting of resources to suppress local unrest.

Never forget. The Green Party doesn't care about you or the climate. They sold the interests of both out before, and they will do it again if you give them the chance.

What Now?


We need to move on as a nation towards a more progressive future, but before that can occur, it is vital to reflect on what went wrong, and hold those responsible accountable. Make no mistakes about it, the Labour Party and the Green Party betrayed us, and traitors must be held to account and replaced.

Dick Spring is a traitor. Ruarí Quinn is a traitor. Pat Rabbitte is a traitor. Éamonn Gilmore is a traitor. Joan Burton is a traitor. Brendan Howlin is a traitor. Eric Byrne is a traitor. Michael Conaghan is a traitor. Ciara Conway is a traitor. Joe Costello is a traitor. Robert Dowds is a traitor. Anne Ferris is a traitor. Dominic Hannigan is a traitor. Kevin Humphreys is a traitor. Alan Kelly is a traitor. Seán Kenny is a traitor. Ciarán Lynch is a traitor. Kathleen Lynch is a traitor. John Lyons is a traitor. Éamonn Maloney is a traitor. Michael McCarthy is a traitor. Gerald Nash is a traitor. Derek Nolan is a traitor. Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin is a traitor. Jan O’Sullivan is a traitor. Willie Penrose is a traitor. Ann Phelan is a traitor. Brendan Ryan is a traitor. Seán Sherlock is a traitor. Arthur Spring is a traitor. Emmet Stagg is a traitor. Joanna Tuffy is a traitor. Jack Wall is a traitor. Alex White is a traitor. Éamonn Ryan is a traitor. Trevor Sargent is a traitor. John Gormley is a traitor. Paul Gogarty is a traitor. Ciarán Cuffe is a traitor. Dan Boyle is a traitor. The list goes on.

Change Is Coming

It is past time for the traitors who have sold out the country and brought it to its knees to stand aside and make room for a progressive, 32 county Socialist Republic.

Change starts today, VÓTÁIL SHINN FÉIN.

by Cian Mortimer, NUIG

Ógra Shinn Féin